When you skinned your knee on your concrete driveways in fifth grade and cursed the concrete, you probably had no idea how grateful you would one day be to drive on it. Concrete is one of those things that we constantly experience but never think about. But is concrete worth caring for?

Things you didn’t know about concrete:
It’s popular
Concrete is the single most widely used material in the world. Over 2 billion tons of it are produced every year. It’s easy to acquire and it’s fairly durable, creating a barrier between cars and mud, among other uses.
It’s been around the block
The Egyptians were using early forms of concrete 5,000 years ago to build the pyramids!
It’s a Cheap Date
A basic concrete driveway will cost approximately $4 to $10 per square foot. It can vary depending on whether you use a custom concrete contractor, trustworthy commercial concrete contractors, regular concrete slabs or high quality concrete slabs, etc.
So next time you’re cursing concrete driveways, remember that concrete takes care of us. It’s only fair that we take care of it.
How Do You Take Care Of Your Concrete Driveways, Walkways, And Patios?
Do it right
If installed and maintained correctly, your concrete driveway will last between 25 and 50 years. Properly constructed permeable concrete, including pools, patios, and walkways can last 20 to 40 years because of its ability to handle a wide variety of temperature conditions.
Cure it
Protect your concrete from loss of moisture and mitigate cracks that could negatively impact its durability. Experienced concrete contractors know that the ideal curing weather is about 70 degrees, with a damp surface.
Concrete has been around for a while, so whether you’re falling on concrete slabs or you’re admiring decorative concrete driveways, remember that it holds quite a bit of significance; and surely at this point, it’s earned it.
Read more about our Concrete Driveway Installation by viewing our other pages and posts about it. We look forward to serving you